Tuesday, February 17, 2009

stimuli, blaming democracy and/or the media, dumb people, and doom

Did I miss something? Has this guy been president for longer than one month? Somehow culpable in the ruinous nature of speculative irrationality since the late 19th century?

We've been moldering for years since ignoring Eisenhower's warnings about the absurdity of deficit spending and developing this beast of an economic system that 90% of people are utterly incapable of understanding. Don't blame our desiccating corpse on Obama, he's a creature of the times...a product of the same ghastly system that has brought us to the brink of this abyss before which the experts imply we currently find ourselves.

When the great majority of a population is unprepared for and uneducated about the realities of our world, then one finds oneself at the philosophical border between democracy and fascism. If one believes that an overwhelmingly popularly elected leader is a disastrous mistake, then one calls the very nature of democracy into question. Perhaps we are actually unable to govern ourselves and should be beholden to the whims of an elite. In which case, fascism and socialism ironically find common ground. I, for one, am willing to vote socialist if this showdown becomes inevitable as a consequence of widespread stupidity.

As for dumb people, they are no more of a menace than are prophets of impending doom. I'm not saying that you guys are Ezekiels or Johns of Patmos, but I'm scared enough as is of Muslims, cigarettes, sex, and strangers...I require nothing else to fear. As long as warfare is isolated and conventional, let the institutions of state crumble. Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are conditional upon life, so I think Obama has his - and our - priorities straight.

As for the media, what expectations are to be had? They've let every president since World War II literally get away with murder and left the entirety of their responsibilities to historians. Until Obama engineers and oversees coups d'état and death squads in some dirtpoor third world hole of a country...he can do no wrong in my eyes. The economy? Pffft, its been a joke for generations and there is no foreseeable changing that - socialist, capitalist, whateverthef***ist - greed remains, as do the excuses and justifications for it. In these trying economic times - and as products of Christian civilization - we should all pause and ask ourselves, what would Jesus do?

If this system falls, I may redeem my soul...as said fall would lend much credence to the apocalyptic tradition.

Your's in faith in the brotherhood and goodness of man,